Miao Yin
Email: miao(dot)yin(at)uta(dot)edu
Office: ERB 346
Office Hour: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Wednesday
Wenqi Jia
Email: wxj1489(at)mavs(dot)uta(dot)edu
Office: ERB 513
Office Hour: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Thursday
This course introduces the basic philosophies and techniques of Artificial Intelligence. AI techniques have become an essential element in modern computer software and are thus essential for a successful career and advanced studies in computer science. Topics covered in this course include search algorithms (such as breadth-first, depth-first, A*), game-playing algorithms (such as Minimax), machine learning, and applications (such as speech recognition and computer vision).
4:00 pm - 5:20 pm, Monday and Wednesday, CRB 114
You will be assigned a final score based on the average scores of your assignments, quizzes, and final project, which will contribute the following percentages of the final score:
Note that lowest quiz score will NOT be used in the calculation of its average. ALL assignment scores will be used in the calculation of its average. The numeric score is converted to a letter grade according the following rubric: